Impact Overview

Where the Alliance creates an impact










No Poverty

Indicator Sum AEK Unit
Number of households confirming savings from a decrease in expenditure on basic service such cooking, lighting, drinking 19'374 Number
Household savings from a decrease in expenditure on basic service such cooking, lighting, drinking 1'223'970 USD
Total income generation from (non-agricultural) activities as a result of the project 177'313 USD

Zero Hunger

Indicator Sum AEK Unit
Total income generation from agricultural activities as a result of the project 10'891 USD
Number of farmers reached with awareness/outreach events and training aiming to promote Climate Smart Agricultural practices 0 Number

Good Health and Well-being

Indicator Sum AEK Unit
Number of households reporting less diseases due to smoke-related problems (breathing only) 9'263 Number
Number of households reporting less diseases due to smoke-related problems (eye irritation only) 8'523 Number
Number of households reporting less diseases due to smoke related problems (cough, breathing, eye irritation) 14'651 Number
Number of developed/supported health-care services 3 Number
Number of households reporting less diseases due to unsafe water related problems (e.g. worms, diarrhea, typhoid) 3'267 Number
Number of households confirming improved air quality due to the improved cooking device 38'578 Number
Number of farmers reduced/avoided open burning of biomass (crop residue) leading to an improvement of air quality 4'531 Number
Total area under reduced/avoided open burning of biomass (crop residue) 398 ha

Quality Education

Indicator Sum AEK Unit
Number of people reached with awareness creation on the importance of health and hygiene measures 712 Number
Number of employees (gender unknown) provided skill development training 142 Number
Number of schools reached with awareness creation 9 Number
Number of persons reached with awareness creation 7'088 Number
Number of employees (female) provided skill development training 236 Number
Number of employees (male) provided skill development training 98 Number

Gender Equality

Indicator Sum AEK Unit
Total number of hours saved associated with cooking and fuel collection by women and girls 1'319'396 h
Number of households with time savings associated with cooking time and fuel collection 7'993 Number
Number of women/girls confirming time savings associated with cooking time and fuel collection 12'637 Number
Capacity building through demonstrations 1 Number
Number of women who participated in empowerment activities 0 Number
Support of women led enterprises/businesses or initiatives 0 Total Number

Clean Water and Sanitation

Indicator Sum AEK Unit
Number of people using improved sanitation services (toilets, hand-washing facilities) 55'111 Number
Quantity of purified water delivered/sold 216'204'027 L
Water purification units distributed/sold 19'117 Number
Water purification units in use by the project beneficiaries 7'679 Number

Affordable and Clean Energy

Indicator Sum AEK Unit
Total number of improved cook stoves installed 52'577 Number
Total number of improved cook stoves in use 41'867 Number
Total number of biodigesters in use 31'206 Number
Total number of solar home systems installed 5'426 Number
Technology transfer 13'123 Number
Total number of biodigesters installed 2'796 Number
Total amount of renewable energy produced [in MWh] 297'042 MWh
Total amount of energy saved/reduced [in GJ] 2 GJ

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Indicator Sum AEK Unit
Per capita Income of female and male employees 9 Total Number
Number of artisans attending a training program to become a certified project technology constructor 6 Number
Total number of jobs created since start of the project (female) 3 Number
Total number of jobs created since start of the project (male) 27 Number
Total number of jobs created since start of the project (gender unknown) 203 Number
Total number of employees earning above local minimum wage (female) 27 Number
Total number of employees earning above local minimum wage (male) 35 Number
Total number of employees earning above local minimum wage (gender unknown) 225 Number
Total number of jobs created in the monitoring period (gender unknown) 20 Number
Total number of jobs created in the monitoring period (female) 23 Number
Total number of jobs created in the monitoring period (male) 7 Number

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Indicator Sum AEK Unit
Volume of organic fertilizer produced 933 t
Number of households with regular municipal solid waste collection by the project 6'045 Number

Climate Action

Indicator Sum AEK Unit
GHG emission reduction or sequestration 2'702'517 t

Life on Land

Indicator Sum AEK Unit
Total area under sustainable forest management 3'532 ha
Total land area protected or under regeneration and/or ecosystem enhancement 6'291 ha
Total non-renewable wood fuel saved 515'563 t
Total peatland land area protected or under renaturation 0 ha
New area on which trees were planted 11 ha
Number of trees planted in the monitoring period 8'662 Number
New area on which native tree species were planted 0 ha
Total area on which trees were planted 16 ha

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

None of the projects contributes towards this SDG.

Reduced Inequality

None of the projects contributes towards this SDG.

Responsible Consumption and Production

None of the projects contributes towards this SDG.

Life Below Water

None of the projects contributes towards this SDG.

Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

None of the projects contributes towards this SDG.

Partnerships to achieve the Goal

None of the projects contributes towards this SDG.

Key Figures

2'702'517 t

GHG emission reductions


Number of beneficiaries (individuals)


Number of beneficiaries (households)